I discovered a simple meditation technique with powerful healing potential. Mainly emotional & spiritual, but anybody good at working with & shaping white light... The basics are simple; grounded meditation with white light.
For those not up on the concept, meditation itself I shouldn't have to explain. Grounding is a spiritual exercise where you simply visualize yourself rooted or connected to the ground, all the way to the core of the Earth. It's supposed to act like a spiritual lightning rod, drawing away bad energy as well as help you keep focused.
The white light part takes a bit more effort. You have to visualize a beam of pure white light descending from heaven, penetrating right through you. It should have a very positive, loving, uplifting feeling to it.
OK, that's the basics & a semi-common spiritual exercise to regain peace & clarity. The next step is the different & key part. Try to feel your inner "core" being. Focus clearly & intently on that concept of your core being. It should feel VERY clearly like a younger stronger you before life weighed you down. I mean very clearly too, like a memory so vivid you can feel as well as recall it. It should physically feel like it's centered in your abdomen (where the Orientals say Chi is centered). It did for me anyway. Use the white light to heal & strengthen that core and push out all negative crap of any type away from the core and completely out of your being. Let the grounding help carry away the negative junk too.
For those not up on the concept, meditation itself I shouldn't have to explain. Grounding is a spiritual exercise where you simply visualize yourself rooted or connected to the ground, all the way to the core of the Earth. It's supposed to act like a spiritual lightning rod, drawing away bad energy as well as help you keep focused.
The white light part takes a bit more effort. You have to visualize a beam of pure white light descending from heaven, penetrating right through you. It should have a very positive, loving, uplifting feeling to it.
OK, that's the basics & a semi-common spiritual exercise to regain peace & clarity. The next step is the different & key part. Try to feel your inner "core" being. Focus clearly & intently on that concept of your core being. It should feel VERY clearly like a younger stronger you before life weighed you down. I mean very clearly too, like a memory so vivid you can feel as well as recall it. It should physically feel like it's centered in your abdomen (where the Orientals say Chi is centered). It did for me anyway. Use the white light to heal & strengthen that core and push out all negative crap of any type away from the core and completely out of your being. Let the grounding help carry away the negative junk too.