Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Comparison between Amazon Music and Apple Music in India

For a long time, I had oscillation on selection of best online music platform that offers superior sound quality and with affordable pricing option. So, I had formulated below table for the readers to opt for best suited online music platform, based on their priority and requirements.


Amazon Music

Apple Music


Rs. 499 per Year

(Assuming 50% will for prime shopping)

Rs. 999 per year

Music Catalog

Large collections available

Limited requires lot of regional music to be added

Sound Quality in AirPods Pro

Little bit grains on beats and voices

Crystal clear beats and voices


Large Music catalog

Sound Quality and Spatial Audio (Yet to experience)

Added features 

Application had to be opened for Alexa to work

Albums/Songs can be selected through Siri - Voice assistant

Voice Recognition

Alexa was little bit accurate than Siri

Siri was perfect on English songs, need to improve a lot on regional specific songs


If you are strict on budget or have cost constraints, then Amazon Music is the perfection option

If you want to experience sound quality and cost is not barrier, then Apple Music is best option

For more such comparison or articles, please feel free to check out the articles published in G R Team Sites.

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