Byalalu village near Bangalore had a high profile visitor on Saturday. The former President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, visited the Indian Deep Space Network and the giant antenna here and expressed his desire to see an Indian scientist land on the moon by 2021. "I would be 90 years old then, "he told a gathering of senior scientists. G.Madhavan Nair, chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) presented Mr. Kalam with a picture of the Earth taken by the Terrain Mapping Camera on board Chandrayaan - I from an altitude of 70,000 Km. Earlier in the day, speaking to reporters after launching an emergency response service in the city, Mr. Kalam said he believed that every Indian should be proud of the Chandrayaan-I, the country's first moon mission program taken up by ISRO. The images captured by the spacecraft were of high resolution and quality and therefore "an indicator of what it holds for the future ", he added. On November 8, when Chandrayaan leaves the Earth's gravity and enters the Moon's orbit, will be the next milestone for the mission, Mr. Kalam said.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Information about Fashion Schools
A fashion school offers courses and training on fashion design. If you are interested in fashion design and styles then you could select your career as fashion designer which offers placements now and in future. There are various fashion schools that provide courses in fashion design. The US fashion school contains information about fashion schools, courses offered and trends. This site provides various resources about fashion design so that you can start and continue your career in fashion industry. The fashion design provides information, location and courses offered by various fashion schools in the country. The recommended schools provide greater training and latest trend information in your training career. The information in this site includes merchandising, retail or anything else about fashion-related schools. To explore different career option in fashion design, production, advertising and marketing and much more then check this site. If you choose fashion design as your career then you could check information in
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Information about Ooty Train
The Coonoor - Udhagamandalam (OOTY) mountain railway train, which was featured in Bollywood blockbuster song " Chhaiyya Chhaiyya" in the film "Dil Se", will turn 100 on October 15. A star attraction for tourists, it offers a breathtaking view of the enchanting flora and fauna of the Nilgiris. It was on October 15, 1908 that the first train chugged in Udhagamandalam (OOTY) from Coonoor, much to the delight of the local people. This 18 km lomg line is part of the 46-km long mettupalayam- Udhagamandalam Nilgiris Mountain Railway (NMR), which has been accorded UNESCO world heritage status. While the NMR, an engineering marvel which uses a rack and pinion system, was thrown open to the Public on June 15,1899, it was extended upto Udhagamandalam only in 1908. In 1882 Swedish inventor Riggenbach came up with the idea of a "Nilgiri Railway".
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Information of Indian Newspaper
I came across a good article about Indian Newspapers and I would like to share about this here. As per survey in 2001, India had 45,974 newspapers, including 5364 daily newspapers published in over 100 languages. The largest number of about 20,589 newspapers were published in Hindi while the second largest number7, 596 in English. That year the third largest number was 2,943 in language Marathi. The other languages news papers were Urdu (2,906), Bengali (2,741), Gujarati (2,215), Tamil (2,119), Kannada (1,816), Malayalam (1,505) and Telugu (1,289). Malayala Manorama is the largest circulated daily newspaper in India. There are several major publishing groups in India; the most prominent among them are the Times of India Group, the Indian Express Group, the Hindustan Times Group, The Hindu group and some more. The Hindi daily press has a circulation of over 23 million copies, followed by English with over 8 million copies. In 1878, The Hindu was founded, and played a vital role in promoting the cause of Indian independence from the colonial yoke. Its founder, Kasturi Ranga Iyengar, was a lawyer, and his son, K Srinivasan assumed editorship of this pioneering newspaper during for the first half of the 20th century. Today this paper enjoys the highest circulation in South India, and is among the top five nationally.
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